Interesting idea — the Platonic ideal translated into a simulation theory. I like it because it fits in well with my Buddhist leanings, even if there’s no way of knowing whether it’s “real.” Though after my experiences with madness, visions, and psychedelic healing, I am beginning to discard any tendency to cling too tightly to a grip on accepted reality.
Good point about the article. That physicists, or most likely anyone, cannot comprehend reconstructing this physical universe, is not surprising. The idea of reality only being extant when observed, though; it seems they should have picked up on that. At least at the particle/wave level, reality does not actually exist until it’s being observed. I’ve experienced this in VR as well.
If we’re living in some type of Great Prelude, there does seem to be a ramping-up of curiosity and quest-driven behavior going on at large. It’s manifesting as all sorts of crazy upheaval at some levels and as quiet internal work at others and the burning-away of old patterns at still others. Sim or not, this “world” is passing away.