Member-only story
The hawk comes every day now.
He swept across my vision that first time
seizing my attention like unwary prey
landed just outside the window
and hunched down to stare at me.
I have seen eagles up close
crows, cormorants, herons
all unmistakably lovely
but this was different.
He arrived in a dark flurry
raw-boned and hectic
striking the branch like a meteor
flight feathers ruffling, eyes
glinting dark amber through the glass.
We saw one another. We looked a long time
before he coursed away again
climbing a sharp, biting wind
impossibly high and fast.
Now he lands each day
never twice in the same tree
and stays a moment glancing down.
I greet him with a bow
saying hello, hawk
good hunting to you
thank you for stopping by.
I think the hawk carries me
when he rides through solar fields
I think a wisp of my soul sings
when the…