This is timely for me. We’ve set the minimalist flywheel in motion and so far it’s not stopping! A few days ago I posted an article about how, for the month of September, my boyfriend and I have challenged ourselves to purge thirty things a day for thirty days. From clothing to furniture to CDs and DVDs and books all the way down to our kitchen junk drawers (yes, we have two), the house is steadily becoming clearer. We can even see a few empty corners now!
I didn’t think it was possible we had 900 things to get rid of, but we’re halfway through the month and still going. And yes, we started after watching the documentary The Minimalists. My biggest note so far: it’s an unexpectedly emotional and exhausting journey, like taking on a new spiritual practice. While digging through years of stored-up crap we are running into “skeletons in the closet” and having to deal with old fears, anger, sadness and craziness that neither of us imagined were there.